Sunday, September 18, 2011

Conditional Control

Conditional Control — if, else, switch

Conditional statements enable you to select at run time which block of code to execute. The simplest conditional statement is an if statement. For example:
% Generate a random number
a = randi(100, 1);

% If it is even, divide by 2
if rem(a, 2) == 0
    disp('a is even')
    b = a/2;
if statements can include alternate choices, using the optional keywords elseif or else. For example:
a = randi(100, 1);

if a < 30
elseif a < 80
Alternatively, when you want to test for equality against a set of known values, use a switch statement. For example:
[dayNum, dayString] = weekday(date, 'long', 'en_US');

switch dayString
   case 'Monday'
      disp('Start of the work week')
   case 'Tuesday'
      disp('Day 2')
   case 'Wednesday'
      disp('Day 3')
   case 'Thursday'
      disp('Day 4')
   case 'Friday'
      disp('Last day of the work week')
For both if and switch, MATLAB executes the code corresponding to the first true condition, and then exits the code block. Each conditional statement requires the end keyword.
In general, when you have many possible discrete, known values, switch statements are easier to read than if statements. However, you cannot test for inequality between switch and case values. For example, you cannot implement this type of condition with a switch:
yourNumber = input('Enter a number: ');

if yourNumber < 0
elseif yourNumber > 0

Array Comparisons in Conditional Statements

It is important to understand how relational operators and if statements work with matrices. When you want to check for equality between two variables, you might use
if A == B, ...
This is valid MATLAB code, and does what you expect when A and B are scalars. But when A and B are matrices, A == B does not test if they are equal, it tests where they are equal; the result is another matrix of 0's and 1's showing element-by-element equality. (In fact, if A and B are not the same size, then A == B is an error.)
A = magic(4);     B = A;     B(1,1) = 0;

A == B
ans =
     0     1     1     1
     1     1     1     1
     1     1     1     1
     1     1     1     1
The proper way to check for equality between two variables is to use the isequal function:
if isequal(A, B), ...
isequal returns a scalar logical value of 1 (representing true) or 0 (false), instead of a matrix, as the expression to be evaluated by the if function. Using the A and B matrices from above, you get
isequal(A, B)
ans = 
Here is another example to emphasize this point. If A and B are scalars, the following program will never reach the "unexpected situation". But for most pairs of matrices, including our magic squares with interchanged columns, none of the matrix conditions A > B, A < B, or A == B is true for all elements and so the else clause is executed:
if A > B
elseif A < B
elseif A == B
   error('Unexpected situation')
Several functions are helpful for reducing the results of matrix comparisons to scalar conditions for use with if, including

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